Delta Tau Delta, with only 10 active members, raised more than
$90,000 in September for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,
which is the national fraternity's philanthropic partner. Timm said he
is excited to see what happens for the chapter next week as they raise
money for the Blinkhorn-Donk First Generation Scholars Endowed Scholarship.
"I'm a first-generation student, as are several other fraternity
members," Timm said. "We want to help others in the same
position; we know how hard it is to find the money to go to college."
During Student Philanthropy Week, campus community members can choose
to support one of the featured organizations (GVSU Beekeepers, Delta
Tau Delta, Rowing Club, Bowling Club) or choose another student
organization or club sport.
The featured organizations have a chance to win extra cash prizes
supported by Grand Valley donors during next week’s events like the
Cash Cart and Scavenger Hunt. They can also host their own fundraising
events, like Delta Tau Delta's "Pelt a Delt," to raise money
for their designated fund.
Laura Aikens, vice president for University Development, said the
spirited competition among student organizations will foster community
and provide networking opportunities with alumni and campus leaders.
"Grand Valley students are innovative and care about their
community," Aikens said. "During Student Philanthropy Week,
we hope to help shape how they think about giving back, and I can’t
wait to see all the ways they find to creatively contribute both on
campus and for the rest of their lives."
Learn more about Student Philanthropy Week and make a donation to a
student organization online at