Welcome! We're glad you're here!
We are here to help serve the academic needs of students pursuing or considering a major or minor in CLAS
During March and April express advising drop-in hours will be
Fridays 2:30-4
for drop-ins and Zoom meetings.
The link to join a Zoom drop-in will be posted here during those hours.
Please note that drop-in conversations are intended to answer quick questions!
If you have a first-year registration hold or need help with next year's schedule, please make an appointment
using the Navigate 360 link above.
Students will find answers to many of their academic questions within this site, but our professional advisors are available to address questions and concerns in more depth. For further detailed information about the CLAS Academic Advising Center, see our Mission, Vision, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access (DEIA) Statement, and Values.
We welcome feedback and ideas to better serve you!
For the most up-to-date information on how GVSU is addressing the COVID-19 situation please visit g8nk.51jiyangshi.com/lakerstogether.