Roadmap to Fellowships
One of the best ways to prepare for a fellowship opportunity is to engage as an undergraduate student in activities and studies that provide a strong foundation for that fellowship. There are many ways to build your profile while learning new skills and testing your abilities and affinities for the fellowship work in which you plan to engage. The key to a successful fellowship application is to seek out 'stackable' experiences that provide a foundation for the fellowship(s) you've identified, that help you to create a genuinely compelling, substantial personal narrative that shows your commitment to the field of endeavor that fellowship addresses.
Of course, some fellowships (the Rhodes, Marshall, and Mitchell), in supporting graduate study in the United Kingdom or in Ireland, are going to be primarily about exceptional academic achievement. These distinguished fellowships also value demonstrated leadership as well as academic and civic potential. Many other fellowships (the Payne, Rangel and Pickering, the Truman, the Gaither, Scoville and FAO Schwarz and more) are all in different ways focused on public service, foreign affairs, international development, human rights, peace and security issues... and so on! Find the appropriate clubs, organizations, community organizations and more that help you truly engage in the field of your interest! Model UN, the Model Arab League, language study, study abroad, participation in an adult literacy program or neighborhood association or refugee resettlement organization - all are tremendously useful as well as good in themselves!
Opportunities to pursue include the GVSU Lakers Venture Grant and the many opportunities and resources available for undergraduate student researchers and scholars in the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship - and note, particularly, International Undergraduate Research

Fall season on the GVSU Allendale campus.
Career Center Resources
The Grand Valley State University Career Center offers a wealth of resources for students seeking information about how best to choose educational and co-curricular opportunities as undergraduates and beyond. The links below open out into information about majors and connected internships, service opportunities, related student organizations and alumni profile snapshots. Explore and enjoy!
Career Guides by Major - GVSU Career Center - Grand Valley State University - Use Career Guides by Major to map out your plan. Each guide includes sample career paths; internship ideas; graduate, professional, and certificate programs to consider; major-related study abroad experiences, student organizations, skill sets; and other helpful resources. So many choices! What will you choose? *Each guide includes a sampling of internship and job sites, speak with your career advisor to learn more.
Career Communities - GVSU Career Center - Grand Valley State University - What is a Career Community? Our Career Communities are a way for you to connect with fellow students, faculty, career advisors, employers and career content related to specific industry types. Communities provide information, opportunities for exploration, and connections related to your areas of interest. The world of work is not always a direct connection from your major to a specific job and career communities are a great way to connect with resources, events and communication directly related to the industries you are interested in.
Pathways to Federal Service
If you are interested in federal service (particularly foreign service), see FSO Career Tracks - Careers ( and Home - Careers ( and Pathways Programs Overview - Careers (
- Foreign Service Officer - Careers ( with 13 Dimensions - Careers (
- Foreign Service Specialist - Careers ( with 12 Dimensions - Careers (
- Careers | U.S. Agency for International Development (
- 5 Tips to Prepare for a US Government Security Clearance - Careers in Government
- 5 Tips for a Quality Letter of Recommendation - Careers in Government
Pathways to Work in (or with) the United Nations
There is no single path into work with the UN. However, there are a number of useful resources that can help you find the right organization for you and can lead you to entry-level volunteer and internship opportunities.
- UN Careers (the official UN internship and job website)
- How to start a UN career
- Internships | United Nations Development Programme (
- UN Careers (see especially Become a volunteer)
- 8 ways to start a UN job — How to start a UN career
- UNA-USA Programs - UNA-USA (for students and recent graduates who have already secured a UN Internship)
The top 5 paid internships at the United Nations systems are within these organizations: UNICEF, UNSSC, UNOPS, and UNAOC
If you are interested in one of the many distinguished fellowships leading to foreign service, federal service within the US, or international development and service:
- Take courses in a second (or a third language)
- Major in an appropriate discipline (international relations, global studies, political science, criminal justice, an area studies)
- Major or minor in the area studies or interdisciplinary program (human rights, for example)
- Study abroad on a semester or year-long program
- Pursue undergraduate fellowships such as U.S. Foreign Service Internship Program (USFSIP) - Careers (, Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Undergraduate Summer Enrichment Program and Public Policy and International Affairs Program (PPIA)
- Intern in an elected official's office or for a government agency (municipal, state or federal)
- Volunteer within the Padnos International Center
- Volunteer with one of the many nonprofit organizations in Grand Rapids that works with refugees and New Americans
If you are interested in STEM fellowships:
- Engage in undergraduate research at GVSU during the academic year and over the summer
- Seek out summer research internships in labs and field stations in Michigan and through competitive undergraduate research internship experiences such as SULI and SURF at a federal lab
- Gain experience through an REU
- Work closely with faculty mentors; talk with them about pathways to graduate study
- Be informed about the social, public policy and ethical impacts of your research field
- Be a mentor and support for other students in STEM
- Take thoughtful leadership in STEM-focused organizations on campus and beyond
If you are interested in a Fulbright US Student English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) award that would enable you to teach English in one of the many countries that participate in the Fulbright program (or another ETA program such as JET, EPIK, TAPIF, USTA, etc:
- Get involved in supporting and working with international students at GVSU
- Volunteer with English-language lessons for a refugee resettlement organization or with an adult literacy program in Grand Rapids or in your hometown
- Gain TESOL or TEFL certification
- Pursue an education major or minor or an applied linguistics minor
- Major or minor in the area studies program of your greatest interest
- Study abroad on a semester or year-long program
- Pursue language study with the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program
- Become a Writing Consultant within the Writing Center at GVSU.
If you are interested in a distinguished fellowship award for graduate study in the United Kingdom or Ireland (Marshall, Rhodes, Mitchell):
- Maintain outstanding grades
- Engage in substantive undergraduate research
- Seek out leadership and service opportunities connected with your academic interests and career aspirations
- Be deeply informed about the social, public policy and ethical impacts of your academic field
- Explore the admission requirements and application deadlines of the university you plan to attend
- Seek the advice of faculty mentors, advisors and the Fellowships Office
- Reach out to those whom you will ask for detailed, careful, positive letters of recommendation
Service in Grand Rapids and Western Michigan
- VITA West Michigan - Home (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
- About Us | Literacy Center of West Michigan ( (frequently seeks volunteers)
- Samaritas Resettlement (Grand Rapids)
- Volunteer | Bethany (Bethany Christian Services Resettlement)
- Dégagé Ministries – A resting place for homeless and disadvantaged in Grand Rapids (
- United Church Outreach Ministry :: Volunteer (
- Thrive: A Refugee Support Program (Grand Rapids)
- Lighthouse Immigrant Advocates
- Justice for Our Neighbors (
- Home - Plainsong Farm in Rockford, MI - with internships through the Episcopal Service Corps
- Feeding America West Michigan
- Family Promise of Grand Rapids, MI (
- Women's Resource Center – Strategies for Work. Skills for Life (
- Grand Rapids African American Health Institute
- Treetops Collective
- AYA Youth Collective
- New City Farm
- Michigan CASA (child advocacy)
- Hispanic Center of West Michigan – Hispanic Center of West Michigan ( - and see particularly Volunteer and Interships – Hispanic Center of West Michigan (
- Volunteer opportunities as a translator for persons in need: See this informative article with links to organiazations: Going All in to Help Asylum Seekers at the U.S.-Mexico Border - American Translators Association (ATA)
- Alsame – Advocates for Latino Student Advancement in Michigan Education
- Mel Trotter Ministries Volunteers
- Meals on Wheels - Western Michigan
- Humane Society of West Michigan
- AmeriCorps - Cherry Health
- AmeriCorps - Advise MI (Michigan College Access Network)
- Home / Grand Rapids Arts Council / Grand Rapids, OH
Service with an Environmental Focus
- Blandford Nature Center Volunteers (Grand Rapids)
- DNR - Michigan Civilian Conservation Corps / AmeriCorps positions
- Work With Us - Youth Programs (U.S. National Park Service) (
- Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF)
- Global Sustainability Scholars (competitive, continuous 3-summer program)
- Earthwatch Internships
- Operation Wallacea: Conservation Research Through Academic Partnerships
- Sierra Club Internships
Resources for Political Involvement and International Engagement
- WACA | Main ( (World Affairs Council - find your local Council)
- WFUNA - World Federation of United Nations Associations | (includes virtual info sessions introducing undergraduate students to United Nations programs)
- Global Ties U.S. : Global Ties U.S. (
- VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES — Respond Crisis Translation
- ELI: Travel with a Purpose: Volunteer service abroad
- Contact - Global Volunteers
- International Volunteer HQ | IVHQ | Most Trusted & Affordable
- Volunteer Abroad Opportunities With Volunteering Solutions | Most Affordable
- Projects Abroad
- VIA Indonesia (summer programs and internships)
- Jobs, Volunteering, Grad Schools, and More - Idealist
- See Graduate/Post-Commencement Opportunities - Frederik Meijer Office of Fellowships - Grand Valley State University ( for more!
Service with a Global Reach Administered by Faith-Based Organizations
- Yuva for Sewa (Sewa International)
- American Jewish World Service
- The Global Jewish Service Corps
- Caritas Internationalis (Catholic)
- Catholic Volunteer Network
- Catholic Relief Services
- Olancho Aid Foundation (Honduras)
- Jesuits Worldwide -
- Little Brothers: Friends of the Elderly (Catholic service to the elderly in the U.S. and beyond)
- Tabitha Bulgaria: Humanitarian Relief & Social Projects
- Lutheran Volunteer Corps
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
- World Relief (offices across the States)
- Presbyterian Mission Agency
- United Muslim Relief Volunteers
- Episcopal Service Corps
- Home - World Renew
- Home - YMCA International - World Alliance of YMCAs (Teaching English Abroad and more)
- and many more
Note about international engagement, particularly international volunteerism and development work:
A rich array of opportunities are available to you! The links above are simply a starting point. In addition to the organization web pages listed, you may wish to begin your search by browsing the aggregator web pages and—both offer searchable databases of international options: you may choose the mode of engagement (study, volunteerism, internships, teaching English, and more) or the region or country in which you are interested. The IIE Passport searchable database offers another valuable search site.
Some of these opportunities are primarily intended for recent college graduates, and some (many) are also available to undergraduate students who can devote a summer to an internship or volunteer/service experience.
Ethical engagement in service learning matters. Please consider intentions, motives, impact and ongoing commitments as you explore possibilities for service. Here are some useful resources: Global Service-Learning - Campus Compact; the Fair Trade Learning | Amizade (Amizade pioneered the concept of Fair Trade Learning); and Welcome to the Better Care Network! | Better Care Network. And this page offers a set of useful checks on the integrity of a international volunteer program: 7 red flags when considering an international volunteer program - Matador Network.